Apple TV May Not Be Slam-Dunk, Study Suggests

Apple’s much heralded foray into the world of integrated smart TVs may not be the slam-dunk many have suspected.

According to a study released just prior to the opening of CEDIA EXPO by Quixel Research on the prospects for and potential impact of a new Apple TV device (iTV, not the version currently on sale) and long-rumored Internet-enabled TVs, Steve Jobs’ last hurrah may not be the slam-dunk many have foreseen and feared.

Among consumers surveyed, while intent to purchase an iTV is understandably high among Apple owners (88 percent), a remarkable 80 percent of all current flat-panel TV owners also indicated they would be either extremely, very or somewhat interested in purchasing one of the new Apple televisions, assuming that it includes the company’s traditional attributes (advanced design, innovative features, simple interface, convenient usability and easy connectivity to other Apple devices). Despite thousands of available apps, digital content is only being streamed by 50 percent of current flat-screen TV owners, on a daily or weekly basis, and more than 80 percent said that this content was being used just for playing movies, Quixel said. 3D, voice and gesture command, touch screens and portability features on connected televisions do not resonate highly with any of the consumer groups measured and rate the lowest of all television features desired.

As the market analyst points out – so much for the stampedes to a Siri-enabled Apple TV. For custom installers this news could be either good or bad. The good news is that Apple will have less sway in strong arming its proprietary interface technologies on integrated systems designers trying to work without the oversight of the Big Brother of Silicon Valley. The bad news is that gesture and voice control is certainly the next frontier for the cutting-edge home that custom installation is all about.