'Words Have Power': AIMS Supports Inclusive Language in Standards and Engineering Documents

Inclusive Language
(Image credit: AIMS)

The Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS) is supporting the industry's shift to more inclusive language in standards and engineering documents. The alliance welcomes efforts by standards bodies and other organizations to ensure that the language used to craft such documents is free from stereotypes, subtle discrimination, and demeaning or exclusionary expressions.

AIMS is an industry consortium dedicated to an open-standards approach that moves broadcast and media companies quickly and profitably from legacy systems to a virtualized, IP-based environment. In supporting this migration to IP, AIMS builds on the efforts of leading standards bodies to provide a clear technology roadmap that addresses the broadcast and Pro AV markets' technical and business needs.

"We stand behind the work that SMPTE, the IEEE and other leaders are doing to ensure that the standards and recommendations guiding our industry are built on inclusive language," said AIMS Chief Financial Officer Andreas Hilmer. "Words have power, and it makes a difference when we employ more conscious, respectful use of language across not just standards documents, but communications of any kind. It's a small but nevertheless significant step in the right direction."

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