Lori Bajorek to Keynote AV/IT Summit

Lori Bajorek, president of the National eSports Association—the premier group for esports education that is collaboratively building the foundation for an inclusive community of gamers—is set to keynote the AV/IT Summit on August 6.

Lori Bajorek, National eSports Association

Lori Bajorek

"At a time where AV professionals are diving deeper into the world of esports, we are thrilled to welcome Lori to the AV/IT Summit," said Megan A. Dutta, content director, Systems Contractor News. "Lori's dynamic keynote will give attendees an in-depth look at the esports market and they'll leave with a solid understanding of new business opportunities."

"Esports teaches our digitized youth to thrive and to be collaborative in a global community. Esports is more than just placing blocks or getting the most eliminations, transforming the way we learn and create community," added Bajorek. 

[AV/IT Summit Goes Virtual]

Bajorek's keynote—titled "Esports in Education: How Video Games are Changing the Way We Learn"—will review how digitized youth can be motivated to learn in the classroom and beyond through the power and benefit of esports.

For more information or to register, visit avitsummit.com.

[Free Download: The Integration Guide to Esports]

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