Fun in the Sign at NYDSW 2018

During New York Digital Signage Week 2018 (NYDSW), the AVIXA Women’s Council NYC Metro Group, the AVIXA Diversity Council, and the Women of Digital Signage hosted a joint networking event, Fun in the Sign, at the Unilumin showroom.

More than 150 AV professionals pre-registered for the event—sponsored by AVI-SPL, BrightSign, Chief, FSR, New Era Technology, Peerless-AV, Sapphire Marketing, and Unilumin—and actual attendance was close to 175 according to the groups.

“This is our second year hosting this event and we’ve had explosive growth,” said Gina Sansivero, co-founder of the AVIXA Women's NYC Metro Group and VP of marketing and corporate communications, AtlasIED. “Joining forces with other groups, like Women of Digital Signage and the AVIXA Diversity Council, has opened this event up to a wider audience.”

Attendees gather at a Women of Digital Signage event.

Fun in the Sign attendees forged new connections during the event. (Image credit: Megan A. Dutta)

“The event was a 'who’s who' of digital signage,” added Andrea Varrone, co-founder of Women of Digital Signage and show director of Digital Signage Expo. “Working with the AVIXA Councils gave us the chance to broaden our reach and bring new people into the fold, which is something we’re always looking to do.”

Sansivero added that the groups plan to work together again to host joint NYDSW events in 2019 and beyond. “This business is all about partnerships,” she said. “All of our groups have similar goals that revolve around forging new relationships and promoting inclusion within the industry. We’re happy to be working together to make that happen.”

Megan A. Dutta

Megan A. Dutta is a pro AV industry journalist, and the former content director for Systems Contractor News (SCN) and Digital Signage Magazine, both Future U.S. publications. Dutta previously served as the marketing communications manager at Peerless-AV, where she led the company’s marketing and communications department. Dutta is the recipient of AVIXA's 2017 Young AV Professional Award and Women in Consumer Technology's 2018 Woman to Watch Award. Dutta is co-founder of Women of Digital Signage, an organization designed to provide a pathway to promote networking, mentoring, and personal growth.