Audio-Technica U.S. Offers Rebates on UniPoint Mics and MicroSet Headworn Mics

  • STOW, OH--Audio-Technica is offering a $30.00 rebate on all its UniPoint® Installed-Sound Microphones and MicroSet® Subminiature Omni Condenser Headworn Microphones purchased from an authorized Audio-Technica U.S. dealer between February 1, 2010, and April 30, 2010. There is no limit on the number of rebates – registrants will get $30.00 back for each and every qualified product they purchase. For a complete list of products eligible for the $30 rebate, and online registration form, please visit and click on “Clear Sound Rebates.”
  • Audio-Technica’s renowned UniPoint hanging, gooseneck, handheld and boundary microphones offer solutions for every house-of-worship need, and freedom from unwanted radio frequency interference. The MicroSet models feature inconspicuous, lightweight headset design, ideal for applications requiring minimum visibility and maximum intelligibility.

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