Protecting Both Privacy and Security in Higher Ed (EdTech Magazine)

"In higher education, it’s almost impossible to talk about information security without discussing privacy, and vice versa. In fact, Gartner’s list of the top security and risk trends for 2020 included the ascendance of privacy as an independent discipline. Security and privacy are distinct problems, yet tightly interrelated — a realization that’s changing how colleges think about both."—Source: EdTech Magazine

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While cybersecurity and data privacy are often talked about in tandem, they "are unique disciplines that have an overlapping interest," notes Ann Nagel, the University of Washington's associate vice provost of privacy. Tasked with keeping information secure and private, institutions serve as stewards of student data and "can inform students about what data is being collected from them and how that data is being stored, used and protected; allow students to update their own data on demand; and provide students with the option to opt out of sharing at any time,” explains EDUCAUSE's Kathe Pelletier.