RGB Releases Videowall Processor Like No Other

  • RGB Spectrum is pleased to announce the new MediaWall 4500 display processor, offering real time performance with up to 30 windows and 12 displays. In keeping with RGB Spectrum's standards of performance and value, the MW4500 delivers real-time performance regardless of the number of inputs and outputs, at any resolution. Unique among display wall processors, the MediaWall 4500 is based on custom, high performance architecture rather than a PC, with faster updates, more display flexibility, robustness and security. Real time display of inputs is guaranteed under all conditions, without any dropped frames.
  • The MediaWall 4500 processor can display up to thirty graphics and video signals on up to twelve screens in a 3 x 4 array. Images can be displayed anywhere, any size, within or across screens, in correct aspect ratio or stretched to fit, in whole or zoomed to emphasize details. Unlike other video/data walls, the MediaWall processor has essentially no limits on display alternatives; the multi-screen array forms a truly virtual screen in which any display of windows is possible.

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