DSE Adds Four Certifications to Conference

DSE Adds Four Certifications to Conference
  • Digital Signage Expo (DSE) will feature four individual full-day educational programs for Digital Signage Expert Group (DSEG) certification or renewal credits at the 2015 Educational Conference. The program will include the debut of the DSCM program for Spanish-speakers. DSE is an international tradeshow and educational conference dedicated to digital displays, interactive technology, and digital communications networks,

The current schedule will go as follows:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Digital Signage Certified Expert (DSCE)
Designed for anyone whose professional involvement requires a full understanding of all the elements of digital signage and the interconnected technologies that produce the images on-screen.

Programa de Certificacion Senalizacion Digital en Espanol (DSCE)
Designed to provide U.S. and visiting Spanish-speaking attendees with the same opportunity to achieve a full understanding of all the elements of digital signage and the interconnected technologies that produce the images on-screen.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Digital Signage Content & Media Expert Program (DCME)
Designed for content creators and managers, this program addresses how content fits into a digital signage or DOOH system, what makes content most effective in this medium, the cost of content, and how to measure it.

Programa de Certificación Señalización Digital Medios y Contenidos en Español (DSCM)
Designed to provide U.S. and visiting Spanishg-speaking attendees who are content creators and managers with the same opportunity to better understand how content fits into a digital signage or DOOH system, what makes content most effective in this medium, the cost of content, and how to measure it.

Courses eligible for certification renewal credits at DSE 2015 include these and all 32 approved seminars on the DSE general conference program, which is sponsored by BroadSign International.

DSEG certification information is available on "The Path to Digital Signage Professional Certification" page on the DSE website. Registration for the pre- or post-show certifications programs, or any of the educational programs at DSE, which are eligible for certification renewal credits, is available at www.dse2015.com.

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