MDI Starts Security Solutions Partner Certification Program

  • San Antonio, TX - MDI Security Systems has begun its new Security Solutions Partner certification program and maintenance service offering for tiered technical support levels. Under the new program, MDI will require all security solutions partners to receive training and certification on its integrated security management software and hardware solutions in addition to providing a technical support maintenance agreement for each site installation or deployment.
  • "Our new partner program is designed to provide both our valued partners and end technology users with the highest level of support services needed to implement and maintain our complete line of MDI integrated security management solutions," stated Tim Rohrbach, vice president of technology and CIO for MDI. "This offering will provide our security solution partners, who have invested in certifying their technicians on MDI products, with an additional level of dedicated technical support from our trustedsupport team, in order to supply their clients with the best possible technical support and maintenance package available."
  • The company currently maintains several thousand system installations that span the globe. By implementing its new product maintenance agreement to MDI's existing customer base along with all new system installations, the company is positioned to substantially grow its services revenue while providing its security solutions partners the ability to generate additional revenue via targeted product maintenance and training up-sell opportunities.
  • MDI's trusted support team will offer multiple levels of support geared to providing cost-effective services that address each unique maintenance need of its partners.
  • MDI Security Systems…

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