3 Ways Universities Expand 3D Printing Innovation (EdTech Magazine)

3 Ways Universities Expand 3D Printing Innovation (EdTech Magazine)

"On some college campuses, a 3D printer might be easier to find than a regular printer. Universities and community colleges have embraced the maker movement — which emphasizes learning through doing — and have added 3D printers to everything from manufacturing courses to the visual and performing arts. "—Source: EdTech Magazine

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Schools are getting more systematic about harnessing the promise of next-generation 3D printing. One of my favorite examples from this EdTech Magazine story is from Cuyahoga Community College where students are putting their 3D knowledge to the test by building prosthetics disabled veterans. This is inspiring, important work that makes the syllabus more dynamic, gives students hands-on career training, and benefits the greater community. —Eduwire Editors