Q-SYS Expands Regional Office in India

The new Q-SYS headquarters in India.
(Image credit: Q-SYS)

Q-SYS has opened its new office in Bengaluru, India. This 23,620-square-foot facility will be the new hub for the SAARC region with sales and marketing, training, support, logistics, operations, as well as software development. In addition, it will house three state-of-the-art testing labs, two software quality assurance (SQA) labs, and a first-class training space for integrators, consultants, and end users to learn more about Q-SYS technologies.

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“The adoption of Q-SYS in India has grown tremendously over the past few years, thanks to the increased awareness and business potential in the region,” says Rajesh Mittal, managing director, Q-SYS India. “We are pleased to move into this new facility which will accommodate our substantial growth, increase support capabilities to better serve our customers, as well as continue to proliferate Q-SYS with best-in-class training.”

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“The Bengaluru office is an integral part of development for the software-based Q-SYS audio, video, and control Platform,” says John White, senior vice president, research and development, Q-SYS. “This new facility gives our team the space to expand R&D capabilities, add software development, and, in turn, continually grow Q-SYS with the innovative capabilities our customers require.”

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