Minicom Focuses On IP Training

  • Minicom, a leading provider of Out-Of-Band (OOB) server management solutions for the data center, is issuing its KVM IP training program.
  • The seminar was designed to give hands-on experience of Minicom�s remote access management solution,, to key partners and distributors.
  • Ronnie Guggenheim, president of Minicom Europe, says IT spending on remote access solutions for the data center is the industry's "next big thing." More and more businesses are upgrading their legacy KVM infrastructure with remote access capabilities.The result is a growing demand for systems capable of managing access to the KVM network, according to Guggenheim.
  • centralizes management of IP access to the KVM network. It is designed for businesses with large numbers of servers and network devices, including third party switches and legacy KVM infrastructure.
  • For more information, visit

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