ASU: Laser-Focused on Ensuring the Current Learning Experience; Sights Set on Designs for the Future (Campus Technology)

"We're happy to be catching up with Kyle Bowen for the first time since his move to Arizona State University in February 2020 to assume his new post in the University Technology Office as the executive director of ASU's Learning Experience Group. Here, we learn how the university can continue to offer students the experiences they expect from an ASU education during the current phase of remote learning and how, at the same time, the institution can leverage its work into plans for the future."—Source: Campus Technology

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These uncertain times have been difficult for higher ed, but some schools have tackled the challenges of the pandemic in inspiring ways. Read how ASU is working to deliver a solid learning experience during that pandemic that offers students more than just continuity with their studies, while also keeping an eye on how these solutions will impact the institution's future. v