The next time you find yourself stranded in the toothpaste aisle at the grocery store, trying to make a selection from the seemingly endless array of options, don’t feel bad. A number of studies in recent years are finding that humans are simply overwhelmed by too many choices in any aspect in life. Among researchers’ findings, the Harvard Business School discovered that a grocery retailer increased its revenue by 11 percent when it reduced offerings in various categories by 20 percent or as much as 80 percent.
Kirsten Nelson
Make it simpler for people to go about their business and obtain the information they need, and you can improve your product. This extends to media. We talk a lot about new methods for information delivery these days, but it sometimes seems as though we’re missing a vital point. The most successful information dissemination tools concentrate a diverse range of information in a single place, such as on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. No one wants to wade through an incredible number of websites to get what they need. They want a filter.
What’s also intriguing about this trend is that right now, people are reading more than ever. The shapes and sizes of the messages they’re receiving and the methods by which they peruse that information are changing, but the fact remains that humans are spending an increasing amount of time gathering information from text.
All told, it appears that the success of a media outlet hinges on a precise expertise in delivery and handling. This not only applies to what the readers of SCN do at work every day, but also what we do here at the magazine to create a more valuable product for you.
This month, we launch a redesign with our annual Top 50 Systems Integrators issue. Every year, we commend those companies who help their customers make the right technology choices. This year, we are stepping up and making it easier for you to discover the in-depth business and technology trend analysis and “Margin Builders” tips that have been a critical part of our coverage for more than 15 years. We are also taking the initiative to provide more links to relevant web content, adding depth to our print coverage with informative materials offered online. In the latter medium, we are gaining ground with the SCN website, which will feature several new industry bloggers in 2011. With all of this in the works, we are increasing our email newsletter delivery to five times weekly, and launching two more full editions of SCN in the next calendar year, bringing our total issue count to 15.
With so many choices out there, we will continue to be your filter, and edit our media products with an eye toward what makes your business more profitable.