Waves eMotion LV1 Chosen to Power Della Towers Broadcast Studio

Waves eMotion LV1
(Image credit: Waves)

India-based Della Leaders Club (DLC), a global community of entrepreneurs, professionals and young leaders that “brings people together to positively impact the world,” has chosen the Waves eMotion LV1 live mixer for its Della Towers Broadcast studio. The facility, located in Mumbai, is a state-of-the-art digital broadcasting studio responsible for developing recorded and live content for the DLC community, including masterclasses, interviews, fireside chats, and seminars by global leaders in their respective fields. DLC’s objective was to build a studio that can handle live shows and broadcast the feed to a global digital audience.

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“The Waves eMotion LV1 was impressive and perfect for the job,” said Sai Prem, Della Leaders Club’s mix engineer. “The LV1 is incredibly transparent, the preamps sound great and the mixer is incredibly powerful. The layout and UI of the board is very intuitive, which helps the mix engineer control the show more easily and achieve better overall sound."

“Choosing the eMotion LV1 enabled us to customize the solution to our specific needs,” said Vicky Pereira, application engineer for VMT (India's largest professional audio retail store). “The system is built on a scalable foundation that can easily be upgraded to grow with the studio. We chose the 16-channel version of the LV1, running on a Waves Axis Proton host computer, with a Waves Proton Server handling the audio processing and an STG-1608 SoundGrid audio interface with 16 inputs and 8 outputs. We also added a Waves FIT Controller for eMotion LV1 to retain the tactile feel of a fader, while using ViewSonic touch screens to control the LV1’s mixer and plugin pages.”

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“Using the eMotion LV1 as an end-to-end broadcast solution for our streaming studio has made our entire setup process so much easier,” added Prem. “The setup is extremely straightforward now and doesn’t involve the usual mess of too many different cables having different purposes and connections. Instead, everything is simplified by using Cat6 cables and a switch between all the devices. Routing audio in the console is also pretty simple, straightforward and convenient, with all the different modes of patching and routing available through the LV1. Furthermore, the SoundGrid network facilitates smoother recording.

“The game-changer with LV1, is the ability to load studio plugins within the live mixer with near-zero latency. The Waves Platinum bundle installed with our LV1 at Della allows me to mix effectively. The Waves Q10 Equalizer, Vitamin Sonic Enhancer, C4 Multiband Compressor and H-Reverb have become staple plug-ins at the Della Towers Broadcast studio. Additional must-haves in my shows include the Waves eMo F2 Filter – an extremely simple plug-in with a very basic function of either choosing a high-pass filter or low-pass filter on the input channels. This plug-in is a staple on all of my microphones, since it rolls off the lows on them with a smooth high-pass filter. Also, the eMo D5 Dynamics is an all-in-one solution for anyone looking for a gate/expander, compressor with sidechain, leveler, de-esser and limiter. I also use this plug-in on all the microphones, since all of them need to be gated and compressed while being sent on the stream.”

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Prem continued, “The C4 Multiband Compressor helps in improving an overall balance of the dynamics of the mix and individual inputs as well. I use it on the AV input channels to balance out the mix from the AVs. I use the C4 on the master as well in order to achieve an overall balance in the mix. The Vitamin Sonic Enhancer is another dynamic equalizer plug-in that enhances the overall mix. I insert it on playback channels as well as on the master and other matrix outputs. The L3-LL Ultramaximizer plug-in works wonders on the mix and increases the overall dynamic of the playback sources, by making the highs crisp and the lows smooth. Finally, the Waves Playlist Rider is another wonder of a plug-in, in that it helps in volume leveling for the playback devices that might have tracks that may be of different volume levels. It smoothens out the volume to a chosen decibel level and lets you avoid riding the fader manually to achieve the same result.”

Jeff Mandot, VMT enterprise national sales manager, said, “The brief from Della was simple: They wanted a studio that was on par with the best broadcasting studios. We were able to create a great synergy with the eMotion LV1 and Waves plugins to achieve the desired level of quality.”

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