How Low-Cost IoT Solutions Can Improve the Student Experience (Campus Technology)

"Implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) on campus doesn't have to be a high-budget affair. By focusing on low-cost solutions and quick wins, the College of Staten Island (CSI) has found a number of ways to assist and support students throughout their academic journey. These include open source and inexpensive solutions such as sensing and location-based services used for shuttle service to the ferry, computer lab availability, and system status updates. Here's how IoT is making a difference at CSI."—Source: Campus Technology

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Every campus is like its own little (or big) city. At any given moment students need to access data, equipment, or resources of some kind. With a smart application of IoT, students and staff can see, in real time, important information like shuttle schedules, computer lab availability, wayfinding, and so much more. When the cost is low and the IoT endpoints are manageable, it's a win-win.