BTX Releases BookIT 2.8

The What: BTX Technologies has released version 2.8 of the BookIT room scheduling solution.

The What Else: BookIT 2.8 features many new enhancements, including the ability to increase the text size in the left side pane of the Calendar, and a Demo Mode.

“We got the idea to enable users to enlarge the calendar text from an installation of BookIT in a municipality where many of the volunteers happen to be elderly,” said Greg Schwartz, CEO of BookIT and BTX Technologies. “We realized that this feature makes sense for a broad spectrum of users and therefore implemented it widely. Many of our best ideas come from customer feedback.”

Customers with current software maintenance can upgrade to Version 2.8 for free. The complete list of new features and fixes for 2.8 are listed below.

New Features and Enhancements:

Demo Mode - There is a new Demo Mode available for resellers. Contact us to have this feature turned on for your demo BookIT panels. You can effectively demonstrate BookIT without having to set up a back-end system or connect it to a network. All you need is your BookIT panel and power.

Accessibility Enhancements - Buttons have been added in the Calendar screen that allow you to enlarge the Calendar text size in the left side pane.

Device Reboot - You can now reboot devices from the Device Management portal. All devices that support remote reboot will have a reboot button next to it.

Show room details in G Suite - Room details such as capacity, equipment and location will now show for G Suite rooms in all Add Event and Calendar screens.

Scroll upcoming meetings from the main UI - You can now swipe left and right on the next meeting area in the main UI to scroll through upcoming meetings.

Specify booking hours and work week for reporting - You can now specify working hours as well as the work week in the Device Management Portal for the analytics reports. If you are open 6 days a week for 10 hours per day, this can now be reflected in your utilization reports.

Exchange Autodiscover - Exchange Autodiscover now works for all Exchange and Office 365 products. If Autodiscover is properly set up, you do not need to enter the Exchange Web Services URL. You only need to enter the username and password of the user with full access permissions to the room mailbox and the email address of the room mailbox itself.

Alternate Room Finder dropdowns - The Alternate Room Finder configuration has just become much easier. You will now be presented with a list of dropdowns pre-populated with all eligible rooms. No more typing email addresses into the fields. This change requires that you re-enter your room login information to take advantage of the new Alternate Room Finder functionality.

The Bottom Line: BookIT is a room scheduling solution that helps organizations optimize their ROI on shared meeting spaces. It allows users to choose rooms and schedule or change meetings from their BookIT panels, computers, or mobile devices, and integrates natively with MS Exchange, Office 365, and G Suite, requiring no additional server nor middleware.

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